
I am a musician who has been both composing and performing music for over twenty years. Born in Limerick Ireland, I received my BA in Fine Arts at the Kent Institute of Art and Design.

I am currently located in Brooklyn New York, where I have been working with artists, filmmakers and musicians, using various styles and mediums.

I have released music under multiple pseudonyms including PS, Palaceaides and more recently REUNIONUNION and the soon to be released Constant Comas.

My love of music, film and art has always been a driving force in my life. Through it I feel that I am able to develop and create a vast array of ideas, sounds, moods and music for any related project that I am part of.

I compose and produce music for use in Broadcast, Film and other media. I write in a wide variety of styles from Orchestral to Rock and Electronic. I have had numerous years of experience in song-writing and music production.